NLD Structure

NLD Structure

The Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire Rugby Football Union (NLDRFU or NLD) is one of the 32 Constituent Bodies (CBs) of the Rugby Football Union (RFU) based at Twickenham.

NLD is made up of three “Partner Unions”, Nottinghamshire RFU, Lincolnshire RFU and Derbyshire RFU, each of which has its own committee and contributes to NLDRFU.

The CB (NLDRFU) has two elected representatives (Council Members) on the RFU Council which is based at Twickenham and which encourages and governs the game of Rugby Union and promotes its values across England.

All NLD and Partner Union officers are volunteers who love the game and volunteer to work to enable its growth and development at club and CB level.  They are supported and advised by the appointed RFU professional staff.

How is the NLD organised?

The CB was reorganised at the start of the 2021/22 season following the recommendations of a working group that canvased opinion across the 3 Counties.

It consists of a Management Committee whose role is to oversee the running of rugby within the 3 Counties (Yet another name for the same thing, namely CB and NLDRFU).

Amongst its duties is the distribution and management of funding which it receives annually from the RFU.


NLD Management Committee 2024/25

Member Current Incumbent Voting Tenure
Honorary President Bob Curry No 1 year
Honorary Chair Jeff Mapp Yes 3 years (+3)
Honorary Secretary Bradley Magnus Yes 3 years (+3)
Honorary Treasurer Richard Carpenter Yes 3 years (+3)
Development Rep David Andrews Yes 3 years (+3)
Resources Rep Dilwyn Evans Yes 3 years (+3)
Governance Rep David Brett Yes 3 years (+3)
RFU Council Rep Chris Brookes Yes
RFU Council Rep Jackie Dyer Yes
Youth Council Rep Natasha Green Yes
Notts RFU Rep Ian Marriot Yes
Lincs RFU Rep Tim Bembridge Yes
Derby RFU Rep David Heath Yes

The NLD Management Committee has divided its work into three main strands each with its own Head of Department.

These strands are:  Development, Resources and Governance (see diagram below)


NLD Committee Structure 2022/23

These departmental strands are then again subdivided into areas of responsibility each with its own Head and working group,  e.g. Representative Rugby at all levels from U16 to Seniors, comes under the control of the Head of Representative rugby who reports to the Head of Development who is on and reports to the Management Committee.

The same principle applies for Age Grade Rugby, Competitions etc.

Current incumbents of the Management Committee and Sub-Committees can be viewed here.


Related Information

How do I get into volunteering for NLD?

Vacant roles are usually advertised on the NLD media platforms, including the Vacancies page of this site.

We are always looking for volunteers able to offer their skills and time.  If you think you could help in any of the areas above, simply contact Bradley Magnus, NLDRFU Secretary at [email protected].

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