NLDRFU Honorary Secretary
NLDRFU• The appointment of the Honorary Secretary is for three years but will be subject annually to ratification at the NLD AGM.
· A person appointed to the role will be permitted to continue in the role for a further 3 year period (subject to annual ratification). Except in exceptional circumstances the role holder will not be permitted to continue after 6 years in the role.
• The Honorary Secretary is a member of the Management Committee and may hold other offices in the CB
As one of the 3 main officers of the CB, together with the Chairperson and the Secretary, the primary duties of the Secretary are to act as the principal administrator for the CB, including overseeing the general running of the CB, and acting as the main communications link between internal and external stakeholders, including the Management Committee, sub-committees, clubs and the RFU. Key aspects of the role:
· With the person appointed as NLD Office Administrator to administer and the management of records.
· With the person appointed as NLD Office Administrator to manage and record all inward and outward correspondence, making sure necessary actions are followed up and that insurance and legal matters are dealt with promptly.
· With the person appointed as NLD Office Administrator to maintain accurate records of member club officials and liaise with the CB Data Officer to ensure that GMS records are kept up to date.
· With the person appointed as NLD Office Administrator to liaise with the CB Volunteer Coordinator, to ensure that records are kept of volunteers receiving RFU’s volunteer recognition and reward.
· With the person appointed as NLD Office Administrator to manage the safe storage of historical documents.
2. Planning, organising and supporting meetings
· With the person appointed as NLD Office Administrator to produce, in consultation with relevant committee members, an annual plan of dates and venues for Management Committee, joint Partner Union and sub-committee meetings and to organise additional meetings as and when required.
· With the person appointed as NLD Office Administrator to obtain reports from sub-committee chairs and provide them to the appropriate meetings. Prior to meetings, prepare and circulate information including agenda, minutes and other associated paperwork.
· With the person appointed as NLD Office Administrator to ensure appropriate minutes are taken at each Executive, General and sub- committee meeting.