NLD Head of Coach and Match Official Development
NLD RFUNLD RFU are seeking a volunteer to take on the role of Head of Coach and Match Official Development.
The successful person would become part of NLD’s management structure reporting to and being supported by the NLDRFU Head of Game Development.
The successful person would have a strong interest in coaching and the personal development of coaches. They would have an interest in changes in coaching methodology and be willing to become aware of available resources and support offered by RFU staff and others. They would be able to reach out to coaches within the CB to encourage exchange of ideas and promote discussion. They should have a desire to seek to improve the quality of coaching on offer across the whole CB from Age Grade Rugby to Seniors and also at Representative Rugby level.
The successful person should also recognise the central and essential part played by Match Officials and be able to liaise with the NLDRef Soc to encourage the growth of numbers of qualified Match Officials and Young Match Officials within the CB.
Role Summary
To liaise with RFU staff, Club Coaching Co-ordinators, Club Referee Co-ordinators, and NLDRFU Management to grow and develop Coaching and Match Officials within the CB.
Key Aspects:
- Lead on coach recruitment and development within the CB
- Liaise with Clubs regarding the number of qualified coaches and the club’s needs.
- Liaise with the RFU staff regarding the availability and content of courses.
- Liaise with NLD Ref Society regarding their recruitment needs and development offer.
- Set up a committee to organise and run an annual Coaching Conference
- Encourage a “ Coaching Community” to discuss, debate and develop coaching within the CB
- To be aware of and share advances in coaching methodology and content.
- To report to the Head of Game Development and subsequently to NLDRFU Management Committee
- To manage the NLD Coaching Budget.