NLD RFU Conference 2024

18th February 2024

9.30-10.00  Arrival and Registration.

Tea, Coffee, Biscuits available.

10.00-10.15 : Welcome.

Jeff Mapp, Chairperson NLDRFU.

10.15-10.45:  Issues for Recruitment and Retention and best practice examples.

Richard Lightbown, RFU Club and Volunteer Support Manager.

10.45-11.00  : Refreshments.

11.00-12.00  : Breakout session choices.

Option 1: Making club environment attractive to Young People.

Youth Council with Tim Wilbraham NLD Head of Age Grade Rugby.

Option 2: Creating a Safe Environment for Players, Match Officials and Supporters.

Tim Bembridge, NLD Discipline, Paul John, NLD Referee Society, Jeff Mapp, NLD Chair.

Option 3: Developing Club, School, College and University Links.

Alan Staines, NLD Head of School Links, Richard Marelli, former RFU University links Manager.

Option 4: NLD Competitions for 20224-25 and the Future.

Leslie Law and Tony Clayton, NLD Competitions Committee.

Option 5: Women’s and Girls’ Rugby-A Local Strategy.

Siobhan Peeling, NLD Head of Girls Rugby, Debbie Linn, NLD Girls’ Player Pathway Link Manager, Jenna Bonser, RFU Development Officer.

12.00-12.45  : Buffet Lunch.

12.45-13.45 : Second Breakout Opportunity (choices as above).

13,45-14.00 : Refreshments.

14.00-15.00: Providing alternative formats of the rugby (Practical for those who want to join in) and preparing for GMS rollout in  2024-25.

Option 1: Establishing Touch Rugby for inter-club competitions.

Chris Simon, CEO England Touch.

Option 2: Establishing Walking Rugby at your club and starting inter-club competitions.

John Widdowson, RFU Match Official developer, L4 Coach, Adrian ‘Frenchie’ France, Bracebridge Heath Walking Rugby Founder

Option 3: Planning for the 2024-25 GMS personal affiliation for adults.

Ian Renard, Platform4Rugby Engagement Manager.

1500-15.30: Plenary – How do we make it work?

Jeff Mapp, Chairperson NLDRFU.

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