24th June 2024


The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Nottingham, Lincolnshire & Derbyshire Rugby Football Union will take place on Monday 24th June 2024 at Newark RUFC.

All Individual Members, Member Clubs and Associated Schools in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire are invited to send two representatives to attend and vote on any matters at the meeting.

Reports will be issued from the various Sub Committees within the Management structure of NLD attached, and attendees are strongly encouraged to digest the reports and raise any questions they may have around them at the AGM.

We also ask that you please let us know of any Absent Friends who have passed away this season who you would like remembered at the AGM by emailing Katherine at [email protected]

Please let us know of your intention to attend the AGM, or submit your apologies for absence by way of email to Katherine at [email protected] by Wednesday 19th June.

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