Competitions Team Update – May 24
The Competitions Team have submitted the following update…
Colts' Competitions
Congratulations to winners and runners up of the NLD Colts’ competitions on Saturday 13 April 2024.
Results are below, in the order that the matches were played (winners are highlighted in red):
Bowl – Spalding 12 Vs Ilkeston 13
Plate – Ashbourne 15 Vs Kesteven 17
Shield – Corsairs 29 Vs Paviors 18
Cup – Moderns 18 Vs Derby 15
Full results for the competitions are linked on the Colts’ Competitions page
NLD Competitions Regulations
NLD Senior Competitions’ Regulations 2023-24 are available on the Senior Competitions page and here.
Please note it is not the intention of the NLD Competitions Team to over regulate its Merit League and other social rugby options however all games should be both safe and offer an equitable and enjoyable playing experience for all involved including players, official and spectators.
For the sake of clarity these Rules and Regulations don’t seek to ‘reinvent the wheel’ rather they highlight where, as necessary they require adaption to accommodate the local requirements of the game. Therefore, in real terms you should already be familiar with the relevant requirements, as you’re already playing to them, rather than expecting you to learn a whole new set and training your coaches and players to them.
By the time you read this the 2nd XV Cup Competitions will have completed the Semi-Final stage of their Competition and the preliminary round for the 1st XV Plate Competition have also been completed.
In terms of the 1st XV Cup Competitions, it should be remembered that with some clubs / teams having not completed their Leagues and not having entered the Papa John’s Cup the play dates for Cup Competition fixtures as a ‘play by date’. So if both teams agree to play earlier that is acceptable however also remember that if you don’t notify us you may struggle with GMS; we’ll change that date for you to complete Match Cards.
The Women’s Cups are also in their early stages and we have a 2-tier competition which will finish on 26th May at Lincoln.
Congratulations to all who have achieved success in their Leagues and commiserations to those who have struggled and been less successful. I’m sure that everyone is waiting with expectant anticipation to find out who their opposition for next season is likely to.
Congratulations all those clubs / team who were invited to Twickenham for the Takeover Day hopefully you enjoyed the day playing on such hallowed turf.
The remaining Finals Day are:
2nd XV Finals – 18/05/24 @ Newark
Women’s Finals – 26/05/25 @ Lincoln
1st XV Finals – 01/06/25 @ Lincoln
Please remember that queries related to NLD Competitions should be addressed to [email protected] whereas general fixtures support can also be requested by asking the Fixtures Secretary at [email protected].