Clubs seek to build on success of Young Representatives’ Forum
In January, the NLD RFU Youth Council held the first Forum for Young Club Representatives. We were delighted by their insightful comments.
The NLD Youth Council presented the results of the Forum to delegates at the NLD Conference in February.
Many delegates committed to action points to help young people at their clubs.

Key points recognised were:
- Recruiting Young Representatives in clubs to seek the views of young people and represent the club at NLD Forums.
- Setting up structures to include young representatives in decision making processes.
- Giving young people equal access to facilities and resources.
The next NLD Youth Club Representatives Forum will be on Monday 15th April. The meeting will be held online.
New Club Representatives are welcome to register for the next Forum here.
We are asking all clubs, schools and colleges to nominate representatives, who can discuss youth rugby within their organisations, with us, and help us guide and improve their experience of rugby.
What we’re looking for:
One or two players from your youth systems (M&J and Colts) to speak to us about what they and their teammates think about youth rugby. We’d like them to be between 12 and 19, and we welcome both male and female players.
As a Constituent Body (CB), the NLDRFU has been focussing on Recruitment and Retention (R&R) of players, with the help of our Youth Council. We want to find out how we can help junior sections of clubs, to help clubs to grow and solidify their future. We believe we can best understand the relevant issues by seeking the opinion of the players and young match officials at those ages, which is why we’d like to speak to them.
What would they do?
Every 3 months, the NLD Youth Councillors would like to chat to them to find out what’s happening at their clubs, schools and colleges. We’d like them to have an idea of whether their organisations are gaining or losing youth players, and if they have heard why. Other questions we’re interested in include:
- What do they want to see more of?
- What didn’t they like about a game?
- How can we help them enjoy the rugby they’re playing?
- Is there anything clubs have done that they enjoy off the pitch?
How does it help the club, school or college?
As above, the role of the CB and the NLD Youth Council is to help clubs and nurture rugby at schools and colleges. Through our current Recruitment & Retention campaign, we are looking at ways of helping clubs bring in players of all ages to ensure rugby is played and can continue to be played. Involving the youth age groups in the management of rugby clubs in a small way, such as this initiative, can really help clubs grow. The project can also help the young people feel more integrated into the wider club. This one-club mentality helps solidify pathways into senior rugby, as well as strengthening women’s and girls’ sides. We would also encourage clubs to involve these Youth Representatives in their decision making and meetings, so you too can see the benefits of contribution from all involved in your club.
For help or more information, email [email protected]
You can also contact us via Instagram on: nld_youth_council