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RWC & Womens’ XV Competition Winners
5th December 2023

RWC & Womens’ XV Competition Winners

During November, we were able to give prizes to some very excited young children who entered our Autumn term competitions…

Poster Competition

The challenge for this competition was for children who were 12 or under, to create a poster that promoted rugby or the Men’s World Cup or Women’s WXV tournaments as well as the core values of rugby (Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship). Children could enter with posters or short promotional videos.

We had lots of entries…

The winner was Shree who is 8 years old and lives in Leicester. She wins tickets to see England Men play Wales in the 6 Nations competition, at Twickenham.

Shree and all entrants received a rugby ball and an England Rugby notebook. All prizes were generously donated by England Rugby.

Shirt Design Competition

This competition was generously supported by PlayerLayer. The competition asked children up to the age of 12, to design a shirt that promoted rugby or the Men’s World Cup or Women’s WXV tournaments as well as the core values of rugby (Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship).

There were lots of great designs submitted and all children who entered were generously awarded kit bags by PlayerLayer.

The winning design was created by Maud, who is 9 years old and lives in Leicester. She will have a set of sublimated sports shirts following her design, printed by PlayerLayer.

Sadia Kabeya interview

Children were given the opportunity to submit questions for Sadia Kabeya, who would then visit the winner’s class. The England Roses player of the Year and Loughborough Lightning star generously gave up her time to visit the winner’s school in Etwall near Derby.

You may have seen Sadia’s visit reported on BBC East Midlands Today or on local press in Derby. Prize winners Annabel and Hannah were able to interview Sadia in front of their fellow Year 6 pupils at the school. The event was also reported by England Rugby:

All runners up had a free rugby ball and England notebook sent to them via their school. The schools were also offered the chance for their entrants to be a mascot for Loughborough Lightning’s match against Bristol Bears.