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Competitions Team Updates – October 2023
12th October 2023

Competitions Team Updates – October 2023

The Competitions Team have provided a number of updates for this month…

Match Official availability continues to be an issue and based on current information this will continue throughout the season. There just are not enough Referee Society trained officials to cover the demand on any given Saturday.

If you don’t have a qualified Club Referee, please prioritise recruiting to this valuable Club Volunteer role. The Referee Society is always there for guidance and support. It’s all part of ‘Keeping your boots on’. Referee Society contact

See this site for information on available Refereeing Courses

Of current concern is the lack of respect for the core value of rugby and the underpinning principles of the NLD’s Community Rugby options to find Clubs ‘packing’ lower tier Merit teams with significantly higher-level players. This provides neither a safe nor enjoyable social game for the lower-level players or a satisfactory environment for the high-level players to exercise their skills.  Think before you select!

The criteria, as set out within the NLD’s Merit League Rules and Regulations, permit the use of higher-level player for various valid reason in lower tier games however they should be limited and it is only permitted with the agreement of the opposition.  This means that you should discuss in advance and not after arrival at the fixture

If we want Community Rugby to survive then each Club should be fully transparent and respectful regarding this matter.

NB: There is still the opportunity for your club to host a Final for the 2023/24 season

Contact the Competitions Team at [email protected]

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