3rd September 2023
Competitions Team Updates – Sept 2023
The Competitions Team have provided a number of updates for this month…
- The Merit League Schedules have now been uploaded to GMS – which will also populate through to WTR – so you can view and share using the following link – Browse competitions (englandrugby.com). Links to NLD-affiliated teams’ results, fixtures and competitions can be found on this site’s Fixtures & Results page.
- Please remember that all Merit League Clubs / Teams are required to enter their results on the Competitions Section of GMS within 24 hours – if you’re having problems please contact [email protected] and / or [email protected]. If necessary, a short Teams meeting can be arranged to support Clubs and /or individuals new to this activity.
- As indicated to those in the WhatsApp groups earlier the Referee Society will appoint referees for Tier 1 games however clubs may be required to provide referees for Tier 2 and 3 fixtures – you can check WTR as to whether a referee has been allocated for the fixture – this should be the responsibility of the Home Team. Colts! Please don’t overlook the Referees Society’s generous offer of a ‘no cost’ Match Official package if you play you games on a Friday night.
- We are still trying to re-establish the WhatsApp groups for the forthcoming season so if you haven’t sent in you club contact details yet can you do so as we’re only a couple of weeks away from kick off!
- The updated Rules and Regulations for the Merit Leagues will be published by the end of the month.
- We are looking for a new individual to join the Competitions Committee to represent the Women’s game within the NLD. If this interests you, please send a short intro to yourself to [email protected] and we’ll come back to you to discuss; it doesn’t need to be too formal.
- We would also like to welcome Craig Culshaw to the team as he has agreed to work alongside Michael Burke, Fixtures Secretary, as the Social Rugby Co-ordinator. Craig will look to support those clubs that have a team that will only play on an ad hoc basis to ensure that players of ages and genders keep their boots on.
- We know it may seem a long way off but we need to consider that we’ll be organising the NLD’s Cup Finals at the end of the season. We would like to invite clubs interested in hosting these days to come forward now so that everyone has time to plan for it. If you are interested, please contact [email protected] who can provide further details of expectations and opportunities.
As last season, the finals will occur over a number of days and weekends so we’re not expecting one club to host all of them and are happy for it to be spread across the CB to engage the greater Community Rugby family.
Contact the Competitions Team at [email protected]
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