New RugbySafe Leads at NLD
NLD RFU would like to welcome and introduce you to the latest members of your support team.
Kristina Magnus and Chris Earl have jointly stepped up as RugbySafe Leads for NLDRFU. They will be your first point of contact for any enquiries regarding RugbySafe and will be liaising with your Club RugbySafe leads to help ensure a healthy and safe environment for all at your club.
Chris Earl has an extensive background in medical support and training and has previously been RugbySafe lead at Bakewell Mannerians Rfc.
Kristina brings the experience of her background in HR and her work with Sleaford Rfc. Their combined experience should be of great benefit to us in NLDRFU.
Chris will be primarily working with clubs in Derbyshire and North Notts whilst Kris with cover Lincolnshire and South Notts clubs.
Congratulations and welcome to them both!