NLDRFU Partner Union Meeting
Around 70 attendees from clubs across NLD joined NLD Management and RFU representatives at Newark RUFC on Monday 6th March for the first NLDRFU ‘Market Stall’ style Partner Union meeting.
Following an hour of informal networking, a presentation and discussion on tackle height and its recent changes was led by John Law, RFU Game Development. This produced a lively and constructive open-floor debate allowing clubs to have their opinions heard and addressed directly with the RFU. Further official consultation events will take place on this topic throughout the next few weeks.
Attendees were then invited to sit and chat with members of the NLD Management Committee and the RFU at stations covering all aspects of the CB including, Finance, Competitions, Age Grade, Discipline and many others, giving the opportunity for clubs to raise their concerns or questions with Management on a one-to-one basis.
Feedback following the event was favourable, with attendees reporting that having a “live topic as a focus was a good feature of the meeting”, and it was “an enjoyable and informative meeting”.
NLDRFU hopes to build on this positive meeting and continue to show what the CB does for clubs throughout the area.
If you were unable to attend the event but have any questions/concerns around any aspects of your club, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.