NLD Safeguarding Update – March 2023
NLD Safeguarding Lead, Jim McDonald has provided the following update on the work of the Safeguarding Team.
Club Safeguarding Audit
All of our NLD clubs with junior players completed the annual safeguarding audit by the end of December to meet the RFU deadline for completion so well done and thank you for all your hard work. We are currently looking at the outcome and any issues raised so will be in contact with some of our Club Safeguarding Officers shortly.
We are also required to do a deep dive audit with a number of our clubs to look at safeguarding in a bit more detail so that we can see where we can help clubs to improve especially those with a new junior section again we will be in touch shortly so thank you for your co-operation in advance.
DBS Checks
One of the things picked up through the audits was the number of DBS checks out of date for coaches and even some CSOs so if all clubs can check that all coaches have a current DBS check which has to be updated every three years through the RFU. If any CSOs need assistance with completing their DBS check please contact Jim McDonald through the safeguarding email at NLD.
In addition all applicants for a DBS must have completed the online e-learning for safeguarding which can be accessed through the RFU courses page and this must be done prior to any DBS checks being passed.
More information on Safeguarding courses is available on the RFU website
Training Courses
Play It Safe safeguarding courses are for all clubs and we are lucky that we have three trainers within NLD – Jim McDonald, Chris Johnson and Darren Dolby so if you haven’t had one at your club for a while you can book a course by emailing safeguarding at NLD. There is a limit of 20 per course and they are 3 hours.
Courses can be booked by NLD clubs through Jim McDonald on [email protected] or individual places can be booked on the RFU GMS course booking page.
In Touch safeguarding courses are aimed at Club Safeguarding Officers who must complete this within six months of taking up the position. These are a three hour online course run by the team at Twickenham and can be booked though the RFU courses page (make sure you don’t put your postcode in or it doesn’t show up). If you haven’t done one for a long time please book on to keep up to date also there were some CSOs on the SG audit who had not completed it so please book on to one.
This three-hour workshop is run online by the team at Twickenham and places can be booked on the RFU GMS course booking page.
Contact NLD Safeguarding Lead, JIm McDonald at [email protected]
Safeguarding Support
The NLD Safeguarding Team are here to help every club improve and ensure that we all provide a safe environment for young people in our clubs so if you need any help or advice please contact us at safeguarding at NLD and we will get back to you ASAP.
We are also hoping to get out to visit more clubs within NLD throughout the season and meet some of the CSOs and possibly meet up at the end of the season and we will be at the NLD marketplace at Newark on 6th March see you there if you are attending.
Notts – NLD Lead Safeguarding Manager: Jim McDonald – [email protected]
Lincs – NLD Safeguarding Manager: Darren Dolby – [email protected]
Derbys – NLD Safeguarding Manager: Chris Johnson – [email protected]