Facilities & Funding

Facilities & Funding

This page contains information about the development and management of club facilities, along with information about specific funding opportunities provided by the RFU and/or NLD


The RFU Facility Development team are available to help you run your facilities development projects at your club; providing technical advice, support and access to excellent resources, all to help you deliver a high quality project.

Go to the RFU Facilities portal for extensive advice and resources

Related Information

Useful advice from the RFU relating to managing energy costs
RFU Webinar exploring how clubs can reduce their annual costs for 'Waste & Washroom' services
Watch this webinar to find out more about your renewable energy options, with expert advice from the Energy Saving Trust.


There are a number of RFU and NLD funding programmes, all of which are communicated to clubs’ Facilities Managers.  Below are details of some funds for which your club may be eligible to apply.

Additionally, there are several grants available to sports clubs – below are links to some tools to search for grants

Related Information

RFU resources including a Grant Search Facility and links to Sport England funding
Use this link to access the thousands of grants and loans that could help your club
Link to funding opportunities offered to clubs by Sport England
The Sir Anthony Wharton Rugby Union Football Trust is a Charitable Trust founded in 1983 to…

RWC2025 Impact Programme – Facility Fund

The RFU Rugby World Cup 2025 Impact programme in partnership with HM Treasury, Department for Culture, Media and Sport and Sport England, includes a £7M facility investment fund.

The objective of this fund is to; ‘Enhance the rugby club experience for females’ as set out in the RFU’s Every Rose Action Plan.

Click here for more details of the programme.