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Honda Volunteer of the Year Awards
17th January 2025

Honda Volunteer of the Year Awards

Your chance to nominate a volunteer from your club for a Honda Volunteer of the Year Awards…

The Categories are :

Unsung Hero

A volunteer or group of volunteers who have gone above and beyond to create positive experiences.

The nominee has:

  • Undertaken several key tasks to support the club/organisation and can always be relied upon to lend a hand, often behind the scenes (for example organising events, maintaining facilities, supporting administration)
  • Has shown an open mindset and a willingness to adapt as rugby develops (for example enhancing social media, engaging new sponsors, introducing new processes or platforms)
  • Shown a willingness to go above and beyond for the sake of the club/organisation and its members.


Game for All

An individual or a group of volunteers who have developed an inspiring offer to make the game more accessible and attract new audiences, or created a flexible and engaging offer to retain current players.

The nominee has:

  • Inspired people from a range of backgrounds to play rugby, with an emphasis on those underrepresented within the sport
  • Thought outside the box to remove barriers to make rugby accessible
  • Developed playing opportunities to meet changing lifestyles and help recruit and retain players*
  • Worked with partner organisations to broaden playing opportunities

*Examples of this could include but are not limited to T1 Rugby, Game On, flexibility of when games are played, initiatives to retain 14–18-year-olds or supporting players transitioning from age grade to adult rugby.

Connecting the Community

An individual or a group of volunteers who have strengthened the club/organisation’s presence within the local community, helping to establish the club/organisation as a central part of community life.

The nominee has:

  • Helped the club have a strong presence in the community whether actively participating in community events or supporting local charities and initiatives
  • Provided opportunities for people within the community to engage with the club on or off the field.
  • Ensured that they provide a welcoming environment to all members of the community by providing suitable facilities and a friendly environment

For more information, visit the overview of categories. If you’re unsure which category your nominee fits, there is also the option to select ‘I’m not sure’.

The nomination link can be found on the RFU  website at: Honda VOTY Awards 2025 | Rugby Football Union