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RugbySafe Team Update – November 2024
31st October 2024

RugbySafe Team Update – November 2024

Our RugbySafe team have provided the following update…

As many of you will be aware Kris Magnus has been moved to take on the NLD Safeguarding Manager from this month.  Therefore going forward Chris Earl will be taking on the RugbySafe role for all Clubs in the CB.  This will mean some changes in how he will be engaging with RugbySafe counterparts in the Clubs – any changes will be outlined in his next email to Club RugbySafe Leads later this month.

In the meantime, Chris asks two things of NLD Clubs:

  1. Would all Club Chairs and RugbySafe Leads help him establish out how many Mental Health First Aiders are active within our Clubs so that he can look at how to give all players at club level access to this vital aspect of player welfare
  2. Would all Club EFAs reach out to him about whether a network of all CB EFAs would be helpful in their Club roles

Contact the NLD RugbySafe team on [email protected]

Proactive App

As reported several times over the past few months, Proactive is a reporting app that allows quick and easy reporting of risk management issues affecting everyday sport activities.

NLD RFU will pay for NLD clubs to use the Proactive Reporting system for rugby, including the RugbySafe HEADCASE Concussion Tracker (video has no sound), designed in partnership with the RFU RugbySafe Team.

Clubs should use the above QR code (or this link) to get access to the app for the 2024/25 season.


Here are links to some anti-doping websites:

Additionally, the RFU contact for anti-doping matter is Rob Sutcliffe – [email protected]

Risk Assessment Template

The RugbySafe team, in conjunction with Safeguarding, have developed an NLD Risk Assessment Form for Tournaments, Festivals and Tours.

The downloadable form is now available HERE

Organisers are reminded to send a copy of completed forms to [email protected].

Community Rugby Injury Surveillance Project (CRISP)

The CRISP Project is managed by a team at the University of Bath and is funded by the RFU as part of RugbySafe research with the purpose of improving the understanding of injuries across the community game and informing injury prevention strategies.

The RFU are actively promoting this research project and are looking for more clubs from the NLD to become involved. For further information please contact us at [email protected] for details.

World Cup '25

The RugbySafe team are actively working with the Women and Girls Lead for NLD to support girls teams within NLD.

Please contact us if you have any suggestions as to how best to do this or requests for help with the W&G Rugby Safe Agenda


We encourage players, coaches and parents to access the Headcase Concussion Awareness Training on the RFU website.

First Aid Vouchers

We have an allocation of these again from the RFU for this season.

Please contact us at [email protected] for details.

First Aid Risk Assessments and Emergency Medical Evacuation Plans (EMAP)

Clubs are reminded to ensure that their First Aid Risk Assessments and Emergency Medical Evacuation Plans (EMAP) are up-to-date for 2024/25 and populated on the Club Player Welfare GMS page.

Please contact [email protected] with any queries relating to these assets.

First Aiders

We ask that all current EFARU/EFAW qualified first aiders at NLD clubs please avail themselves of the annual updates for their qualifications this season via this LINK from the RFU.

This is forming part of the ongoing competency updates for them from the RFU between their re validation dates.

Module one of the EFARU CPD series is now available.  This course is suitable for any emergency first aiders with a current EFARU/ EFAW qualification listed as an EFA on GMS

RugbySafe Leads Meeting

Contact the NLD RugbySafe team on [email protected]

The next meeting date is tbc – date will be communicated in the Dec Newsletter

Contacting RugbySafe

In addition to the [email protected] mailbox that should be used for general enquiries, NLD RugbySafe Team members can be contacted directly at the addresses below.

Also, Club RugbySafe Leads are encouraged to join the RugbySafe WhatsApp group – contact the team to get yourself added to the team.

Chris Earl

RugbySafe Lead

Chris is the RugbySafe Lead, primarily for clubs in Derbyshire and North Nottinghamshire