What’s Coming Up… Nov 2024
28th September 2024

What’s Coming Up… Nov 2024

Here are some RFU and NLD webinars and workshops scheduled for November 2024…

For more information and registration details, click on the image(s) and links below:

Dealing with club membership disciplinary issues

This webinar will give guidance to clubs on both the adult and age grade discipline regulations. The session will also include guidance on how to deal with internal membership complaints and advice on the key principles that should be adopted.

7.00 – 8.00PM  6 November 2024

For more details and to register:  https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kGnpqX7cQh61K8g_hNsm9A#/registration

NLD Coach Development Evening

NLD Head of Coach and Match Official Development, Paul Westgate, invites coaches of all levels, from all NLD clubs to a Coach Development Evening at the David Ross Sports Centre on the main campus of the University of Nottingham (NG7 2RD) on Friday 08 November 2024.

The evening will comprise a combination of brief presentations and hands-on coaching sessions.

7.00 – 9.30PM 08 November 2024

For more details and to register:  NLD Coach Development Evening – NLDRFU – Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire & Derbyshire Rugby

Growing your Social Media – Women & Girls Audience

Featuring dozens of women and girls examples from rugby clubs across the country, we’ll discover what the most effective clubs are doing on social media and provide some social content ideas to help your club grow.

In this 2 hour interactive workshop we’ll look at

  • What’s currently working for rugby clubs on social media with a particular focus on women and girls
  • Top Tips for improving what you’re currently doing to attract more women and girls

6.30 – 8.30PM  12 November 2024

For more details and to register:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/growing-your-social-media-women-girls-audience-tickets-1000622126717?aff=oddtdtcreator

Safeguarding Case Management: Recognising, Responding and Reporting Concerns

This webinar will help clubs to be better informed regarding the RFU’s case management process, with the aim of clubs having greater confidence in:

  • Recognising when issues might be a safeguarding matter
  • Understanding best practice in responding to concerns, including matters that may be addressed under Code of Conduct
  • Being clear in when and how to report concerns and when to seek further advice from the safeguarding team

7.00 – 8.00PM  20 November 2024

For more details and to register:  https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j9PzJStzQ_KSXsZReDKSLA#/registration

For details of more upcoming events, please refer to our Events Calendar