Competitions Team Update – October 2024
28th September 2024

Competitions Team Update – October 2024

The Competitions Team have submitted the following update…

Player Registration

I know that you’ve probably heard a lot about this already but have you ensured that all your players are registered?

We still have some Club’s with low numbers which don’t appear to match the number of teams that they propose to field.   A conundrum to say the least!

If needed, support for adult player registration is available HERE

Colts' Competitions

The Colts are now using GMS to manage and record their fixtures. Whilst a challenge it does bring with it the benefits of raising the profile of Colts game within the NLD. It is good to see so many fixtures being played. I’m always happy to add Friendly fixtures so that everything is seen and credited. As well it is improving visibility to the Referee Society for their planning.

Just as with the Senior fixtures if the day or time needs changing please let me know and I can update accordingly. The earlier the better please.

The Colts Cup fixtures are also up in GMS which, like last season, will raise the profile of this competition.

Senior Men's, Senior Women's and Junior Competitions

The Senior Men’s XV, Senior Women’s XV and Junior Men’s cup competitions have now been drawn and are in GMS.  They’ll be published online over the coming days.  As requested, we’ve started pre-Christmas to avoid congestion and over-running the end of the season.

Please remember that these fixtures in GMS are set against the ‘play by date’ but you can mutually agree with your opposition an earlier date.  It may be that at present they clash with League fixtures I just need to know the actual date to get them in GMS which will also inform the Referee Society. As with anything like this the sooner the better please.


Please remember that queries related to NLD Competitions should be addressed to [email protected] whereas general fixtures support can also be requested by asking the Fixtures Secretary at [email protected].

Match Officials

We do still have an overall shortage of Match Officials there just aren’t enough to go round.

I know that at Age Grade Clubs are good at promoting the taking of training to become a Club Referee this just needs to be replicated at the adult level.

If you’ve decided to stop playing every weekend don’t throw your boots away, get them out and run with a whistle.

Merit Tables

We are dropping some fixtures in the Merit Tables but this is not unique to the NLD.  If a club can’t turn out enough players to make a squad, we’re happy to work with you making ‘joint’ teams to ensure that those who do want to play get that chance to play.

Let’s have a chat!

Rules & Regulations Queries

As in the last season if you’re unsure of the Rules and Regulations please consult first as we can assist.