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Disciplinary Team Updates – November 2023
5th November 2023

Disciplinary Team Updates – November 2023

The Disciplinary Team have provided the following updates for November 2023…

It’s interesting to note that the volume of red cards expected from the implementation of the new tackle height laws has not materialised.

Thanks to all those players, coaches and Match Officials who have worked hard to support the implementation of the new regulations.

Related Information

In April 2023, the RFU Council voted to adopt law changes to lower the tackle height…

Match Official Abuse

There seems to be ever increasing work for the Disciplinary to manage a general increase in red cards and Match Official Abuse (MOA) citings.  So many that from the initial plan to meet once a month the Panel now meets at least twice a month. This is not a healthy a change.

For reference MOA citing which haven’t resulted in a red card, mainly due to it be for a non-playing individual or club, are treated as an infringement of Regulation 5.12 and sanctioned using Regulation 19Appendix 2 9.28.

Red Card and Citing Process Delays

It has been noted that the time taken to bring red cards or citings to a conclusion is generally extending – in part due to the length of time taken by Clubs to process their internal disciplinary processes.

This delay impacts upon the potential return to play of players etc. as all individuals red carded are suspended from play until the end of the process and any resultant sanctions imposed.

For more information, please refer to Discipline Guidance for RFU Clubs

Contact the Disciplinary Secretary with any queries at [email protected]