RWC & WXV Competitions and Teaching Resources
The NLD Age Grade Rugby Team are delighted to share a range of competitions and high-quality teaching resources to promote rugby in schools, that link to the Men’s Rugby World Cup and Women’s WXV tournaments, which will take place throughout the first half of Autumn term.
We will be sharing the resources across teachers’ websites and social media to encourage the promotion of rugby in schools. We are really excited about what we have been able to develop, and we believe that children and teachers will be delighted to use them. We would urge children, parents and coaches to talk to teachers and local schools about this initiative and encourage them to get involved.
So what is in the resources?
Exciting competitions with special prizes
(Entrants to be 12 or under at the closing date, 20th October 2023)
- Design poster or 30 second video advertisement on a World Cup theme that links to the core values of rugby. First prize is free tickets to a 6 Nations match at Twickenham, there are lots of runners up prizes too, provided by England Rugby.
A PowerPoint presentation and set of discussion cards that explain rugby’s core values for children is included in the resources. This is an excellent way to support PSHE topics and school assemblies at the start of the school year.
- Design a rugby shirt front on a World Cup theme that links to the core values of rugby.
The winning design will be printed on a set of sublimated PlayerLayer shirts and presented to the star designer and their team. There will also be runners up prizes of sports bags from PlayerLayer. There are lesson resources and discussion cards to help with the planning process. PlayerLayer
- Prepare an interview for rugby star, Sadia Kabeya.
In addition to the winner carrying out the actual interview with the rugby star, there will be the chance of a class trip to the World Rugby museum at Twickenham.
With the help of the Oral History Society, we have developed engaging lesson plans to help guide children in the process of developing and carrying out interviews. Home – Oral History Society (ohs.org.uk)
- Free rugby ball to the boy or girl who persuades their teacher to use our resources in their class.
The child’s teacher should email [email protected] to identify the resources that they have used and the identity of the child who introduced the resources to them. A picture of the teacher and child will also be welcome!
(one ball available per class. The identity of the child will not be shared by NLDRFU Age Grade Team, without the consent of the child’s parent and teacher).
High quality cross-curricular teaching resources
There is a range of detailed lesson resources for children from Year 2 to Year 7, that will develop skills across the curriculum. In addition to the competitions, which are supported by lesson plan presentations and resources, our resources include:
Geography – Fact files for the competing nations, resources to help children monitor the weather in each of the countries .
Maths -Escape room challenges and other maths resources linked to the Rugby World Cup and Women’s WXV tournaments.
English – In addition to the interview competition, there are resources on how to set up a debate (with debate topics linked to rugby) and a challenge for children to set up presentations, about a competing nation, using templates and resources.
Music and Dance – Musical links plus a lesson in how perform the New Zealand Māori HAKA.
Food – A cook book featuring recipes from the competing nations.
PSHE – Understanding rugby’s core values, why we have rules and linking them to why we have school rules.
PE – A set of resources to help teach tag rugby in schools
There is also a World Cup sweepstake wallchart and competition kit and, of course, links to lesson plans to teach tag rugby in schools.
How you can help to promote these resources
This project aims to promote rugby as a sport for children and teachers in schools.
- Coaches, parents and children can talk to their teachers and share this link with them so they can use the resources this term.
- Clubs can contact their local Schools Games Organisers to help them invite their local schools to a tag rugby festival at their club. If festivals are held in November, schools will have time to teach tag rugby in their PE lessons, to prepare for the competitions. (We advise festivals to be held during school hours to maximise attendance from schools. Clubs can contact [email protected] for help and support).
- Promote touch rugby in secondary schools as an introduction to the game. Rugby doesn’t have to focus on tackling. Schools who are concerned about safety can be reassured by this. There are lots of resources at Schools | England Touch. The NLD Age Grade Rugby Team also plan to carry out work over the next year to support the development of a competition structure for touch union across clubs and schools in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire in the 2024-25 season.
- Invitations have been sent to all clubs for an online NLD Age Grade Rugby Forum on 18th September at 7.00pm where we will be able to discuss how clubs can use the resources and competitions to engage with schools. If coaches, teachers and club officials would like to attend, please contact us on [email protected].
Our competitions and lesson resources are now live. They are available on the NLDRFU website and also on teacher resources sites such as the TES website and IAPS. We will also promote the project via Schools Games Organisers (employed by Sport England and local councils), NLDRFU and national rugby forums, as well as social media used by teachers.
The RFU plan to promote the resources via their platforms too.
If you have further ideas for how this project can be developed or if you have links to other sponsors, the NLD Age Grade Rugby Team will welcome your thoughts via [email protected]