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Funding for First Aid Courses
28th March 2023

Funding for First Aid Courses

In support of player welfare and to help clubs’ to be prepared for the 2023-24 season in terms of First Aid provision, NLD have launched a scheme to provide funding for First Aid Training.

A downloadable version of the following guidance of how to apply for funding is attached.

  1. Contact NLDRFU to see whether there is any money left in the scheme.

[email protected]

  1. If given the okay the Club follows the procedure set out by the RFU to set up a recognised Emergency First Aid in Rugby course.
    • Identify individuals who wish to attend.
    • Contact one of the recognised deliverers from the RFU list and agree date venue and time.
    • The deliverer contacts RFU and the course is opened on GMS
    • Individuals sign up and pay for the course. ( The club can reimburse the individual) Clubs cannot make a group booking. If a club does not have enough candidates to run its own course then it can either join with a nearby club to make up numbers or individuals can attend a course that is more convenient.
  1. On completion of the course the club should supply evidence of completion and invoice NLD for the agreed amount at [email protected]

Please contact Dave Andrews at [email protected] to instigate the process

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