Introducing NLDRFU’s New Honorary Secretary
Following the departure of Darren Dolby as Hon Sec in December 2022, we have appointed a new volunteer to take his place.
We would like to welcome Bradley Magnus to the Management Committee and look forward to working with him.
Bradley said,
“I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to take on the role of NLDRFU Hon Secretary and would like to thank the NLD team for putting their confidence in me for this position. I am looking forward to being able to contribute towards the game, as I believe it played a significant role in my personal development and see this as a great chance to give something back.
“I was fortunate enough to learn the game when I attend and played rugby for one the top rugby schools in Cape Town. And despite playing a small amount in the UK, it wasn’t until my son recently expressed an interest in the game some 4 years ago that I full re-engaged with the sport.
I am a member of the Sleaford Rugby club with my main involvement being as an age grade coach, currently Head of the Under 11 Squad. I was also fortunate to have served on the Sleaford Committee and am incredibly proud of the work the current team are doing to move the club forward.
I aim to draw on my experience at Executive Level in the UK food and agriculture industry and combine this with my passion and upbringing in the game to set a good foundation in this role. My prime objective is to serve the RFU and CB and all the Clubs, Players and Personnel involved, to ensure we maintain the joy of the game whilst keeping its values very much alive for our and future generations.”
The NLD Management Committee would like to express huge thanks to Darren for all the hard work he put in during his time as Hon Sec. He was a very involved and positive participant in the restructuring of the Management Committee and dedicated a lot of time and effort to the NLD as a whole, during his tenure.