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NLD KO Cups Revised Draws
18th February 2023

NLD KO Cups Revised Draws

You will have all seen that the Season has been extended for leagues etc for various reasons and the National Cup and some County Changes. As a result, it affects all our planned fixtures and dates so apologies, but we will have to adjust some things.

Here are all the new draws, changes in format and dates.

All Finals will now take place at Nottingham. NLD Colts and Challenge Cup (2nd XV) on Saturday 13th May. Women’s Finals on Sunday 21st May. Men’s Finals on Sunday 28th May.

We have tried to leave enough flex in the dates for arranging alternate dates if needed.

Apologies for all the changes yet again, (in particular to the fixture secretaries who will have to delete WTR and re-enter etc). Unfortunately it is out of our control.

NLD Cup (Mens) 2023 Revision

NLD 2nd XV Challenge Cup 14th Feb 23

NLD Colts Cups 2023 14th Feb 23

NLD Womens Cups 2023 14th Feb 23